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 ðŸ§¬ Understanding In-silico, In-vitro, and In-vivo Techniques in Biotechnology In Biotechnology, scientists use various approaches to study biological processes and develop new treatments or innovations. Three primary techniques are In-silico,In-vitro, and In-vivo—each with unique applications but often complementing one another in research. 💻 1. In-silico  Definition: In-silico refers to computational and simulation-based techniques used to study biological processes. These methods rely on computer models and algorithms to predict outcomes, analyze data, and simulate experiments.  Applications: Drug discovery, molecular docking, genomics, and systems biology are common fields where in-silico techniques shine. This approach saves time and cost by predicting biological behaviors before moving to laboratory or animal testing. 🦠2. In-vitro  Definition In-vitro involves experiments conducted outside of a living organism, typically in controlled laboratory settings like...


  Object:   Starting with an organism and a protein, find a protein sequence and gene coding region.   Example:  Find the protein sequence and gene coding region for pathogenicity factor   listeriolysin O  from the bacterium  Listeria monocytogenes .     Searching for gene and protein information   Begin the search in  Gene , because it has less redundancy than Protein (this same search in Protein retrieves over 1000 records).   Search:   Listeria monocytogenes[organism] AND listeriolysin O[ protein name]   (see  Searchable fields in Gene )     One record, for gene symbol  hly , is retrieved. It is associated with an NC_ accession number (specifying a complete genomic molecule that is usually a reference assembly; see  RefSeq accession numbers and molecule types ).   To find the  gene coding sequence , look at the  Genomic regions, transcripts, and products  section or th...